Tuesday, 26 August 2008

UCU and the David Duke fan

The University and College Union maintains an email list for its activists, which is administered and monitored by the union. As Harry's Place readers know, the email list traffic is dominated by political extremists and almost entirely given over to their obsessive and nasty campaign to boycott Israeli academics.

The extremists are countered by a small number of Jews and anti-racists, many of them supporters of Engage. They are routinely defamed as racists, imperialists, Apartheid supporters, liars and conspirators. Quite a few of the Jews and anti-racists have been chucked off the list by the UCU administrators, arbitrarily, and usually for making public their complaints about the racism on the list.

There have been complaints to UCU about racism on its activist list. UCU has dismissed them all as baseless.

One of the formal complaints was made in relation to a series of particularly poisonous and nasty emails written by a Sheffield-based UCU activist called Jenna Delich. That complaint was also dismissed.

Yesterday Jenna Delich wrote the following message on the activist list in order to support a boycott of Israeli academics:


In support to your link this may be a long but also an interesting reading:


No comment necessary. The facts are speaking for themselves.



The website which she links to is the website of David Duke, who is the former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, and perhaps the most notorious racist and anti-semite in the world. The article itself was originally posted on an extremist conspiracy nut website, but appears only on David Duke's website. It is therefore reasonable to infer that Jenna Delich reads and takes her information on world events from neo Nazis.

So, in a nutshell, the position is this. The UCU refuses to take action against viciousness against Jews and anti-racists on its own activist list, and endorses their exclusion from that email list when they defend themselves. Meanwhile, the UCU is circulating links to David Duke's website on behalf of Delich.

What a wonderful institution UCU is.


jane cadhla said...

I am not black not white eitehr but american. I am Eurasian from Cambodian Mother and White European Father. All my life I only heard how bad David Duke was, and how he and KKK did to the poor Blacks, so I hated the KKK and Dr. Duke. I listened to Radical Blacks to radical White I yes before felt sorry for the Blacks. But Farakhan, J. Wright, Mansour... I shook my head. Then until this election 2008 and for the first time I read and tried to understand about White especially Dr. Duke's ideologies and compare his mission to save his European Heritage to the radical Blacks, I now became to realize that Dr. David Duke is a man who has carried the cross to save his European Heritage is justified just like the radical Blacks the Asians and I respect his actions.

Dr. David Duke's attitude is greatly respected by me and I think the Blacks who criticized Dr. Duke are hypocrite.

jane cadhla said...

I am not black not white either but american. I am Eurasian from Cambodian Mother and White European Father. All my life I only heard how bad David Duke was, and how he and KKK did to the poor Blacks, so I hated the KKK and Dr. Duke. I listened to Radical Blacks to radical White I yes before felt sorry for the Blacks. But Farakhan, J. Wright, Mansour... I shook my head. Then until this election 2008 and for the first time I read and tried to understand about White especially Dr. Duke's ideologies and compare his mission to save his European Heritage to the radical Blacks, I now became to realize that Dr. David Duke is a man who has carried the cross to save his European Heritage is justified just like the radical Blacks the Asians and I respect his actions.

Dr. David Duke's attitude is greatly respected by me and I think the Blacks who criticized Dr. Duke are hypocrite.

Btw: I will vote McCain/Palin though I told the pollsters I voted for Obama/Biden. No one should blame me for changing my mind. I just told them because I am tired to hear race card the Democrat have always used.